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The practice complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016).  All information about patients is confidential: from the most sensitive diagnosis, to the fact of having visited the surgery or being registered at the practice. All patients can expect their personal information will not be disclosed without their permission except in exceptional of circumstances, for example, when there is a grave risk of serious harm or to comply with our legal responsibilities.

All members of the primary health care team (from reception to doctors) in the course of their duties will have access to your medical records. They all adhere to the highest standards of confidentiality.

If you wish to discuss something of a confidential nature, please mention it to one of the receptionists who will make arrangements for you to have the necessary privacy.

Under 16s

The duty of confidentiality owed to a person under 16 is as great as the duty owed to any other person. Young people aged under 16 years can choose to see health professionals, without informing their parents or carers. If a GP considers that the young person is competent to make decisions about their health, then the GP can give advice, prescribe and treat the young person without seeking further consent.

However, in terms of good practice, health professionals will encourage young people to discuss issues with a parent or carer.

As with older people, the law sometimes requires us to report information to the appropriate authorities in order to protect young people or members of the public (for example, from abuse or exploitation).

Data protection policy

Please read our full Data protection policy (PDF)

Useful websites

Page published: 30 September 2024
Last updated: 30 September 2024